Listening First Yoga Training
Scholarship Application

Listening First Yoga Scholarships:
Community-Supported Practice

At Listening First Yoga, one of our values is accessibility, including accessible pricing. Another is equity. The impacts of trauma play out in systems and societies just like they do in individuals. Challenges like racism, sexism, poverty, transphobia, ableism, and beliefs that value some bodies over others mean that some members of our community experience trauma at higher rates, and face greater challenges in accessing care and healing. For this reason, our training scholarships prioritize those who work with communities facing disproportionate rates of trauma or chronic stress, or those holding identities typically excluded from contemporary yoga or wellness spaces. This may include those identifying as BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color), LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual and more), those who are disabled and neurodiverse, and those with larger bodies. Holding one or more of these identities is not required to apply for a scholarship. Please consider your available resources and ability to pay when applying for a scholarship.

We also offer payment plans to increase the accessibility of our trainings. Scroll down for more information on payment plans.

Apply for a Scholarship

Foundations of TCTSY Trauma Sensitive Yoga 20-hour Training (in-person)
March 22, 23, 29, 30, 2025
at Heart and Light Yoga (Old Hickory)

Scholarship applications will be accepted until March 1, and recipients will be announced by March 7.  We anticipate having 1 full scholarship space available; we will add additional full or partial scholarship spaces are our community fund allows.  

Payment Plans

If paying the full registration cost for a training creates a barrier, we are able to split up payment into up to 3 installments.  Please email to request a payment plan.

Donate to our Scholarship Fund

Want to support our scholarship fund?

Integrate a listening-first approach into your yoga practice today.